pulling new wires

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Senior Member
hey guys last question about this job. Ive got a customer who needs me to pull an extra hot wire through an existin conduit to split a circuit for her. I need to get an idea of how much to charge her I usually charge by the hour but whenever I do this I feel like I lose my *** and do the job for way too cheap IE this job I can probaly do in one hour thus $65 is that way too cheap if so how much would you guys charge for this job?
Re: pulling new wires

How much wire? What size?
If you charge by the hour and are losing your a**, then your hourly rate is not high enough!!
Re: pulling new wires

can't even remember if it is code anymore, but i was taught that you cannot pull wires over other wires.

paul :)
Re: pulling new wires

Will you need a helper ? Other main thing is size of pipe,is there enough room,length,size,number of 90s.Also will you be using one wire to pull the other ? That makes 2 wires your pulling.I dont think i would be doing anything like this for under 100 but thats up to you
Re: pulling new wires

Unless you plan to do this job while already there doing other work I would charge at least twice this amount $130 for this job.
$65 is way to cheap.
Re: pulling new wires

Don't most of you charge a higher price for the first hour of a service call, for fairly short service calls?

Most everyone around here charges a higher amount (kind of like a minimum show-up fee)for the first 1/2 hour or first hour of a short (2-3 hour) service call, and then charge their standard rate for the rest of the hours.

That approach covers the extra costs involved in short (like 1/2 half hour or 1 hour) service calls.

What do y'all do?
Re: pulling new wires

hey guys I truely appreciate everyons commentr. this job ended up taking me 3 total man hours. what it ended up being was thankfully I had a j-box right above the panel. I hit that j-box with a hot and neutral #12 thhn. I then came out of that box with a piece of 20ft 12-2 mc to the box where the overload was. it took me a while to asertain which wires i needed to split im going to charge 200 sound fair thanks again
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