It seems like something must be screwy in the monitoring unit, sensors, and/or its connections if the frequency and psi are identical to 4 decimal figures.
They are usually pretty close but not always that close. HMI and VFD are connected via my local network. No cabling other than a 4-20 input to the VFD.
I see it is reporting some unstable hz around 12 in the 30 to 40 seconds before start up by a call from the heat pump.. Min frequency is set at 30 with ramp to that at .5 seconds, so something is amiss. A thought is I have relay contacts doing some bouncing in the zone control but that doesn't quite work out either.
Intermittent connection at pressure switch was cause of low hz fluctuation prior to Heat Pump call for water.
The current fluctuation has not occurred since my OP. I must have fixed it.:roll: