Purpose of installing conduit in slab?

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New User

Hi beginner here. Just started working in the construction industry. I would like to ask the purpose of installing a conduit/electrical box in the slab as seen in the picture.Why cant we run the conduit underneath on the soffit of the slab as it will much easier to see the routing and search for the electrical box? There is already a false feiling so i cant really figure this out
1. Welcome to the forum.

2. You'd have to ask whomever spec'ed it.

3. The Note implies surface conduit is acceptable.
Typically running conduit in a slab is faster and cheaper which is one reason why it's done. In you graphic it does require a good layout guy to make sure the boxes end up in the right place. I'm not sure that the graphic represents how things are done in the United states.
Typically running conduit in a slab is faster and cheaper which is one reason why it's done. .....

This. It's a lot easier and quicker putting PVC pipe and boxes in a concrete form than spending forever and a day hammer-drilling thousands of anchors above your head up on a ladder. If the foreman for the job is worth his/her salt, there'd be an As-Built left with the owner.

The basic reason that pipe is run in a slab from place to place is that it is faster. No one will ever see the pipe after the concrete is poured so the pipe can be run criss cross over each other at weird angles etc to save on bends and needs only minimal securing with ty wire...once the concrete is poured thats it. You can run 100s of feet in a slab faster than running it exposed where it has to be neat and look good
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