Re: Puzzelled?
Yes, I have noticed this "Neo-Technerd Trend" lately!
There was a quick end to the detoured discussion regarding the types of Ballasts, from the "Short Lamp Life" Thread. How it turned to Ballasts is another hot file thread!
Last response was from Bob B., but the person of which the reply was directed towards (another EE / Cornsultant) has not responded to it.
That's fine though, keeps hostility down! (I got kind of steamed myself!).
Why in the world would anyone willingly mention that they are an Engineer!
No real groupies (Wild Women) running after Engineers! Our extreme Analystic nature (being a fellow Analyzer) makes heads spin, and reluctance to change is only matched by the Mule (or Iron when subjected to 25 Hz - 10 Khz).
My new Injun-ear Motto:
Yes, I am an Engineer; I "Drive" the
Cannon Ball from Pettycoat Junction, to Hooterville, then to Pixley every Weekday.
p.s. The Cannon Ball is an American type 4-6-0 wood burner Steam Locomotive, seen on two 1960's era sitcoms.
I think the Train of which Jim West and Artimus Gordon traveled on also had an American type 4-6-0, so if this is true, then make it 2 sitcoms, 1 action drama.
How's this for tossing the topic off track - pun intended!