PV Battery Off-Grid Application

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Denver, Colorado
I have a question on the DC System Voltage in a battery system. All of the books and examples I have read only consider small application off-grid installations, and I need to understand how a large system would work.

For example if the primary facility currently uses a 500kW generator @ 480V-AC and 240V-AC for lights, trailers, and equipment. So let's say for a PV system size of 300-450 kW. In all the examples I can find, it says the Batteries should be kept at a low voltage, 48-50V-dc, and then inverted to the 480/240V-ac. However, having voltage at that level with long runs would make the voltage extremely high (let alone the high amperge in the lines). I know the NEC says that battery banks cannot be greater than 250V per separated bank, with maximum of 600V, so would it be acceptable to install battery banks at 500V; to keep the voltage loss down? Or is there a reason for keeping the Vsdc low that I am unaware of?

My second question is that I've attempted to do all the calculations using MathCAD, so I could set words as variables, and so it reads it easier than in Excel (imo) here ... View attachment Mathcad - Battery Sizing With Some DataV5.pdf ... I'm told it may be over sized by 25%, but when I tried it using another method, it's actually undersized by 25% in comparison. So am I on the right track for sizing, or is there something I am missing?

It is very usual to keep the battery voltage low in USA type off grid installations because the NEC effectively discourages, though does not totally prohibit higher voltages.
This results in very substantial battery currents, but that matters little if the batteries are close to the inverters.

Outside of the USA, higher voltage batteries are more common, 96 volts, 120 volts, and 252 volts being common.
This has the merit that some loads may be worked at battery voltage.

Whichever system is used, the distribution at utilisation voltage will be much the same regardless as to whether it is from a generator or a bank of inverters.
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