IF this is for a well pump, then I would agree that a dedicated PV pump is the way forward.
0.5 HP is almost certainly ample even for a large house or modest size farm. Remember that a typical line powered residential well pump runs on demand and must be able to supply enough flow and pressure for perhaps an effective shower and a dishwasher at the same time, this requires at least 1HP and sometimes more.
A PV well pump normaly runs continually during sunlight and fills an elevated water tower or tank, therefore a much lower HP suffices as it only has to meet the average water demand not the peak.
If this is NOT for a well pump, then you may need a battery.
The output from a PV array is very variable and PV well pumps are designed to make best use of this variable input.
For most other applications the motor speed and output HP will vary too much without a battery to provide a roughly constant voltage.