PVC pull box and EMT with a green wire. Do I have to bond on both ends?

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New User
Hartford ct
OK Question about an ev charger install - I ran #6 THHN and a #10 green neutral wire to a new EV charger from a garage subpanel. Loads are balanced, all is good. At the panel, there was a PVC pull box, so I pulled the wires up from the panel, through the PVC box, and then ran out from there with EMT about 30 feet. At the other end, EMT terminates in a 4" jbox mounted on the wall. The green wire is bonded to the box with a pigtail and a green screw at that point, then the two hots and a green go out via 3/4" flexible to the bottom of the charger. Everything is hooked up and ready to energize, the inspector is telling me that the EMT needs to be bonded on both ends, which would mean I'd need to take apart the box end of things and redo the PVC-EMT connection with a grounding bushing, which seems like a pain in the neck with no real advantage. My interpretation was that this was not the case because the conduit is not the EGC, the green wire is.

Is it worth sticking up for myself or just eat it and go back and redo the box end with a ground bushing?
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