QO 2-Pole AFCIs to be Discontinued

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Consulting Engineer
Greetings. "Long time listener, first time caller."

Schneider has set an end-of-service date of November 30, 2021 for the Square D QO215CAFI and QO220CAFI, their 2-pole 120/240V Combo AFCI breakers (link at bottom of post), which as far as I know are their only AFCI solution for multi-wire (shared neutral) branch circuits. Their single-pole 120V CAFIs (like the QO120CAFI) are specifically not approved for MWBCs, presumably because they use neutral current sensing as an input to their arc detection logic. When I saw that these were being discontinued, I assumed Schneider must have something in the pipeline like the GE THQL1120AF2, which is a single-pole 120V CAFI that as of Mod 3 no longer does any sensing on the neutral, so it can be used on circuits where the neutral is landed on the bus bar, or combined in pairs with a handle tie for shared neutral applications. But my local distributor wasn't able to find anything, and I wasn't able to find the right virtual door to knock on at Schneider to find out anything either.

I know that MWBCs may be going the way of the plug fuse, but there still are a lot of them out there, and a lot of QO panels out there, so it seems surprising that Schneider would pull their only retrofit solution for AFCI on MWBCs with no replacement. You'd think a single-pole load-sensing-only combo AFI like the GE part, in pigtail and plug-on-neutral versions, would sell enough units at a high enough price to be worth building. Anyway, I'm wondering if anyone here has heard anything about a replacement, or alternative, in the works. Thank you!

There was a short time there where I would have to consider doing a panel change on a kitchen remodel simply because I knew I wouldn't be able to find arc-fault breakers from Square D to pass inspection.
I bet they will be selling only afci/gfci combo breakers in both sp and dp but that is a guess. I noticed that the sp gfci's were hard to find at home depot and lowes but the combo afci/gfci seemed to be plentiful. Maybe just marketing IDK
..a lot of QO panels out there, so it seems surprising that Schneider would pull their only retrofit solution for AFCI on MWBCs with no replacement...
A few questions for clarification:

* Are not QO 60k AIC equipment ratings overkill for dwellings that require 20k AIC?

I see QO in dwellings, but never understood why, unless high AIC ratings are needed at multi-unit meter centers, or short distance sub-panels.

* Has not SQ-D QO led this industry in most durable & responsive Magnetic-Trip function, well beyond the few bolted cycles that render other brands junk?

* Was there really enough room in that tiny QO MCCB to fit bleeding-edge AFCI tech. with superior Mag trip design?

Why can't Schneider's SQ-D division differentiate 20k AIC Homeline for the residential AFCI marketplace, and keep QO looking best for the commercial & industrial sectors, which don't require AFCI's?
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There are QO circuit breakers and panels rated for less than 60k AIC. I've used them in residences many times.
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