Curious if anyone here is familiar with a SQ D QO single phase service panel that incorporates the transfer switch and load management all in one. It's sold as a Kohler product but is Square D manufactured.Looks like a nice neat set up(dimensionally about the same as a 40 space 200A load center. Downside that I see is cost, panel goes for about $1700.00 and the QO remote control breakers for management (2 pole) are around $350.00/ea. The name of the product is Kohler Intelligent Load Center. Any feedback on this(dependability, degree of difficulty in programming,etc.) would be greatly appreciated.Looks like they have been around for 3-4 years, can't find anyone locally that has ever used one.I'm sure the cost would be a deterrent, if as a contractor you were installing in a spec house in anticipation of a future owner getting a managed whole house system. Thanks.