Qualified to do Arc flash calculation

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I always thought that arc flash calculations had to be done by engineers or at least someone who has had some exstensive training in it (a good week or doing nothing but calculations).

Not to mention the insurance/liability if someone makes a mistake in the calculation and the the ppe did not protect the person. (A long shot I know, but it is possible).

A friend of mine tells me that his boss wants him to do a arc flash analysis on panels, so they can do some 'energized hot work'. This is life safety circuits, so technically they would meet the exception.

But he feels he's not good enough at the arc calcs and that the tables are not sufficient because it operates on a assumed available current, and he believes that there is ALOT more current available.

This is on power breakers of 800 amps or more, some 208 volt and 480 volt systems.

So who does or is responsible for doing the arc flash calcs?? Im vaguely familar with it but Im not comfortable with it even if I was an expert because of the liability.
Comments are limited for the my state law.

Doing an arc-flash calculation would likely be considered "product of engineering"..

However, since the friend works for the company, he is not doing "Engineering for hire". So he and his boss decide if he is qualified to do the work. There is no degree or certification required. I'm not knowledgable to comment on the liability.

Personal opinion: If he/you can't figure out the available short circuit current - then he/you can't do an arc-flash calc.

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