The Great Sarducci
- Location
- Detroit, MI. USA
Quick question regarding using multiple parallel VFD cable runs to a large induction motor from an IGBT VFD drive system. To start, allow me to briefly describe the situation so that y'all can get a better overall picture of what I'm talking about;
I'm currently in the process of selecting some VFD cables to run thru a tray from the drive cabinet over to a large induction motor rated at 630A FLA. Long story short, I was originally planning for multiple parallel runs of #4/0 awg in order to cover the required ampacity. But now that we're thinking about going with an all new type of VFD cable rated at 110°C vs. the prior cable, which was rated at 90°C; the new combined ampacity ratings to feed the motor end up being about 180A more than we need with three 4/0s, and about 90A too low if we use only two 4/0 cables (quite obviously not an option here).
Now finally to my question;
While I know that its certainly acceptable to combine multiple identically sized cables in order to raise the overall circuit ampacity to meet required load demand for the motor; I'm now wondering, is it ever acceptable to combine cables of different sizes in order to arrive at a closer total ampacity to what we actually need? For example, is their any specific reason why I would not be able to consider perhaps two 4/0 cables & one 1/0 cable?
a Side-Note: Just to clarify; I realize that it never hurts to have the extra ampacity far and above what I need to drive the motor at full rated load. If cost weren't an issue, then I'd just use the three 4/0 cables and wouldn't even be asking this question. But unfortunately in my case, the powers (cheap-asses) that be, care an awful lot about the extra cost.
Quick question regarding using multiple parallel VFD cable runs to a large induction motor from an IGBT VFD drive system. To start, allow me to briefly describe the situation so that y'all can get a better overall picture of what I'm talking about;
I'm currently in the process of selecting some VFD cables to run thru a tray from the drive cabinet over to a large induction motor rated at 630A FLA. Long story short, I was originally planning for multiple parallel runs of #4/0 awg in order to cover the required ampacity. But now that we're thinking about going with an all new type of VFD cable rated at 110°C vs. the prior cable, which was rated at 90°C; the new combined ampacity ratings to feed the motor end up being about 180A more than we need with three 4/0s, and about 90A too low if we use only two 4/0 cables (quite obviously not an option here).
Now finally to my question;
While I know that its certainly acceptable to combine multiple identically sized cables in order to raise the overall circuit ampacity to meet required load demand for the motor; I'm now wondering, is it ever acceptable to combine cables of different sizes in order to arrive at a closer total ampacity to what we actually need? For example, is their any specific reason why I would not be able to consider perhaps two 4/0 cables & one 1/0 cable?
a Side-Note: Just to clarify; I realize that it never hurts to have the extra ampacity far and above what I need to drive the motor at full rated load. If cost weren't an issue, then I'd just use the three 4/0 cables and wouldn't even be asking this question. But unfortunately in my case, the powers (cheap-asses) that be, care an awful lot about the extra cost.