Question egress from working space

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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
Attached sketch shows electric room within electric room. Room within is red rectangle with door.

I posted something similar earlier but was more confused also now the distance is increased. Person getting out of red rectangle only and if SGHS switchboard explodes only has that 2 feet distance red line shown since there is pillar in way. Person can get trap and only way out is that 2 inch distance between pillar and working space

Dotted lines are working space and SGHS is over 1200A and over six feet wide.

So my question is there anything in code that specifies what the red line distance should be anywhere?

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Clearances are measured from fixed objects not from other clearances.
What If analysis is part of the design process and is not codified.
Clearances are measured from fixed objects not from other clearances.
What If analysis is part of the design process and is not codified.

So then their is nothing in code for distance between working space and pillar (red line) in post#1 in event of fireball from swbd and one need to escape? They cant go thru working space
You are talking about something like an arc flash boundary issue, not a working clearance issue. This would be under the jurisdiction of NFPA70E not the NEC.
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