question for the code historians

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Senior Member
A friend of mine and his son (the son is a electrician) are pullig AL out of his house and replacing it with copper.My friend asked me why we staple romex in concealed walls.I told him it was in the code.He understood that,but wanted to know if I knew the reason it had been added to the nec and when.


Staff member
Re: question for the code historians

Originally posted by masterinbama:
My friend asked me why we staple romex in concealed walls.
I can not tell you when the NEC required stapling NM cable (romex) but I have a good idea that it was at the same time they add NM cable to the code.

We do not have to staple NM cable when it is fished between access points, where concealed in finished buildings. 334.30(B)

But when the electricians rough wire the house all the wiring is exposed and must be supported to one of the other rules of 334.30.

It would be a lot to expect the drywallers to hold all the cables in place while they hang the wallboard. ;)


Esteemed Member
Re: question for the code historians

Should you get some "Hell's Angels" as insulation installers, it is a good idea to staple the cables to the center of the stud.
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