Question on 513 - Aircraft hanger

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Senior Member
How does one go about intrupretting 513.3(C). The article talks about the area within 5' of the engine or tanks (wings) being a Class 1 / Div 2. In a large open hanger can a person decide that they will only be storing their plane in a specfic spot define the area accordingly, or do you have to assume that at some point they will buy additional planes, or park it somewhere else in the hanger - therefore the entire hanger becomes Class 1 / Div 2 within 10' of the floor +/-.
Depending on the size and type of plane the distance above the floor could be much greater than 10 ft. Also note that there is only a five foot vertical clearance required from the tip of the wing. If the plane or planes are parked in a manner so that the vetical walls are all less than five ft clearance, then it could be true that the entire hangar could be class I div 2, up to a certain height. However if you consider the shape of the plane, you will find a lot of vertical clearance in the tail section area, even if there is an engine mounted on the tail, as with jets etc. It would be essential to know the size and types of planes, the parking patterns and the operations to be performed in the hangar to properly classify the areas involved.
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