question on homeline ark faults

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Senior Member
anyone use sq d homeline ark faults ?? i used one today and went to trip it
by touching neut/gr.... to my amazement it didnt trip....... it tests fine with button... the cutler hammers, ite trip.. can someone try and post what results you get....

dont know if i buy that only cause i have trouble shot tripping and
the first thing i do is unplug,delamp what ever. pull devices and repack
wiring and they stop tripping...

i dont know maybe i'm loosin it....;)
In my experience with a Sq-D QOAFCI it required some load current for a neutral-ground short to trip the breaker.

This AFCI breaker does not incorporate the additional circuitry that the newer GFCI's do that enables them to detect a Neutral-Ground short without a load.
I was under the impression that arc fault breakers trip due to arcing and not a neutral to ground short like GFCI's do. Am I wrong on this ?:confused:
I was under the impression that arc fault breakers trip due to arcing and not a neutral to ground short like GFCI's do. Am I wrong on this ?:confused:
AFCI?s have Ground Fault Protection set at 30-50ma. Most (probably 99.9%) of the time these breakers trip it is due to a ground fault condition not an arcing fault.
I have tripped the QO AFCI by neutral to ground faulting, I can't imagine that the homeline internal parts are any different than the QO. Square D claimed when the Homeline was first introduced that the internal parts are the same still funny to me that the QO is more expensive, but there are other things in this world that are the same way.
I have tripped the QO AFCI by neutral to ground faulting, I can't imagine that the homeline internal parts are any different than the QO. Square D claimed when the Homeline was first introduced that the internal parts are the same still funny to me that the QO is more expensive, but there are other things in this world that are the same way.

I've heard the only differences betwixt the HO and QO are the way they mount onto the rail and bus bars, and the QO has the VisiTrip window.
anyone use sq d homeline ark faults ?? i used one today and went to trip it
by touching neut/gr.... to my amazement it didnt trip....... it tests fine with button... the cutler hammers, ite trip.. can someone try and post what results you get....

I have tripped a HO120 on a neu to grd fault just this month.
AFCI’s have Ground Fault Protection set at 30-50ma. Most (probably 99.9%) of the time these breakers trip it is due to a ground fault condition not an arcing fault.

I'm still looking for one that trips because of on arc.
Went to a continuing ED class last week, instructor asked if anyone knew how to tell if AFCI's work. No one responded, then instructor informed us that the day we know if they actually work will be the day that insurance companies offer discounts to policy holders for having them installed.
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