question on panels

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Senior Member
North New Jersey
can anyone direct me as to were i can find a panel that is approx 11 1/2 inches wide by 24 long 3phase that can accomodate 30 circuts? I think I remember something about industrial panels that are made to fit between I beams but when I went to my supply houses (3 of them) they didnt know what I was talking about. The panel that I am changing out is an old Fed Pacific. It would be more cost effective to the store owner if I could find one that will fit the present opening.
tonyou812 said:
can anyone direct me as to were i can find a panel that is approx 11 1/2 inches wide by 24 long 3phase that can accomodate 30 circuts? I think I remember something about industrial panels that are made to fit between I beams but when I went to my supply houses (3 of them) they didnt know what I was talking about. The panel that I am changing out is an old Fed Pacific. It would be more cost effective to the store owner if I could find one that will fit the present opening.

Tony contact a panel shop and give them all the information, and see what they can do for you. Where in Jersey are you?

This is just one of many in Jersey
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Column Panelboards

Column Panelboards

If you are set on the 24" height you will have a problem. I don't know of anyone who manufactures a narrow panel that is only 24" tall. I think GE panels run about 30" plus in height, don't know about SQ-D but I doubt they would be much different.
Thanks everyone I will look into it, I can work with a different height panel and 30 will work fine it was really the width that was the problem. I had a feeling there was something out there, I was just surprised at the lack of knowledge by the supply houses I go to.
tonyou812 said:
Thanks everyone I will look into it, I can work with a different height panel and 30 will work fine it was really the width that was the problem. I had a feeling there was something out there, I was just surprised at the lack of knowledge by the supply houses I go to.

Like most other situations, if someone had never ordered one, why would you expect them to know about the product. they are a product of the environment they work in.
Pierre C Belarge said:
Like most other situations, if someone had never ordered one, why would you expect them to know about the product. they are a product of the environment they work in.
Yes, but what frustrates me most is when I'm flatly told no such thing exists or they can't get such things. A better answer would be "I don't know, but I'll check". When I need something special, I just hunt it myself and order by part number.
mdshunk said:
Yes, but what frustrates me most is when I'm flatly told no such thing exists or they can't get such things. A better answer would be "I don't know, but I'll check". When I need something special, I just hunt it myself and order by part number.

Saves time and blood pressure:D
mdshunk said:
Yes, but what frustrates me most is when I'm flatly told no such thing exists or they can't get such things. A better answer would be "I don't know, but I'll check". When I need something special, I just hunt it myself and order by part number.
plus it was there lack of willingness to help me. maybe it was to late for them (2:30) to care but isnt that what they are there for?
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