Question on residential wiring in San Fransisco, CA???

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Senior Member
I can recall doing a residential project in SanFransisco back in 1991 and I remember we had to run our romexes individually through their own home, secured individually with their own romex staple, and individually enter the switch or receptacle box? Can anyone here shed some input on whether or not this is a requirement today and if so, where can I find it referenced? Thanks in advance.
I can recall doing a residential project in SanFransisco back in 1991 and I remember we had to run our romexes individually through their own hole, secured individually with their own romex staple, and individually enter the switch or receptacle box? Can anyone here shed some input on whether or not this is a requirement today and if so, where can I find it referenced? Thanks in advance.
I can recall doing a residential project in SanFransisco back in 1991 and I remember we had to run our romexes individually through their own home, secured individually with their own romex staple, and individually enter the switch or receptacle box? Can anyone here shed some input on whether or not this is a requirement today and if so, where can I find it referenced? Thanks in advance.
It has been a while since you've been in the city! One wire per hole is long gone! I try to keep it to +/- three romex's per 1" hole; just remember to use lots of nail plates on those 1" holes.
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