Question re: 225.30 and exterior outlet

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Hi. I am not an electrician so if that means I can't post here, apologies in advance. I have signed a contract with an electrician to run a 100a service to my detached garage. Currently the garage has a single 20a 120v line that powers the garage door and interior receptacle. That existing line is an underground feeder. My understanding from research and talking with the electrician I hired I can only have one feeder or branch circuit to the garage. I see there are some exceptions--for example, powering an alarm.

I'd like to do *something* with that existing line if possible. Is it code legal to have my electrician use that existing line to install an exterior outlet? More broadly, do exterior outlets or perhaps an exterior light fed from a circuit that never enters the structure "count" against the single feeder provision.

You may say, "ask your electrician," and I will, but I like to be informed before I do. Without educating myself I feel as if I don't even know what questions to ask or what options to raise with him.

As an aside, my electrician also suggested that perhaps the existing line could feed an exterior light that I could switch on and off from the main house (a switch leg I think he called it). It's 12/2 UF-B wire so I'm not sure it'd work for a 3 way switch (I didn't mention to him that it was 12/2--so he doesn't know that yet).

As I said, if this question can't be asked here, I apologize. I've searched and searched here and elsewhere and can't find my exact question.
You are correct in that we aren't allowed to assist you since you are not in the industry. Your electrician should be able to answer your questions. If not, then you chose the wrong "electrician".
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