Question Regarding AHJ Authority in NFPA 72 and ADA Compliance for Pull Station Covers


Electrical Engineer
I’m reviewing the compliance of pull station covers with ADA and NFPA 72 standards. Specifically, the covers protrude about 5.2 inches from the wall(Surface Mounted), which exceeds the ADA guideline of 4 inches for objects in circulation paths. The vendor has stated that the pull station is ADA compliant for operation but not for the projection, and they mentioned that the final determination should be up to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Note these pull station covers are used everywhere. However clarification and an exception explanation will be good to have.

I’m looking for clarification on a few points:

  1. Does NFPA 72 allow for the AHJ to make the final call on whether protrusions beyond the 4-inch limit are acceptable, and does it provide any guidance on how the AHJ should interpret or approve these situations?
  2. Does the ADA contain any specific language that suggests the AHJ has the authority to approve deviations from the 4-inch protrusion limit, or should the design strictly adhere to the 4-inch rule?
  3. If an exception is allowed by the AHJ, what kind of documentation or justification would be needed to support the decision?


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I know that this will not help you but, I worked with an engineering firm that had a wheelchair bound EE and he was one of the biggest critics of ADA rules that I ever worked with. If this scenario came to play on one of his projects I could see him rolling his eyes then go into a expletive filled rant. :)
As the EOR, you can surely put something on a punchlist if you feel it is not compliant with your design / code interpretation that the AHJ approves. Your punchlist is based on your interpretation of the Contract Documents and Code. If the AHJ approves the install, you can take that into account, but not take it as a mandate. The AHJs approval is different than your punchlist.

This has happened to me with regards to working clearance for a fused switch that was relocated as compared to my drawing, and the AHJ was buddies with the EC so he approved it and I still put it on my punch to move.