Re: Question regarding correct power connection to A/C conde
I would say Yes as it would be classified as inside the house. but I would call the poco as the hookup of the second meter sounds strange. and if the inspector said that this is legal then see if the state has some kind of state inspector to back this up as I know there has to be protection for these entrance wires as if they ever short out there will be a fire.
Here are some codes they apply:
230.70 General.
Means shall be provided to disconnect all conductors in a building or other structure from the service-entrance conductors.
(A) Location. The service disconnecting means shall be installed in accordance with 230.70(A)(1), (2), and (3).
(1) Readily Accessible Location. The service disconnecting means shall be installed at a readily accessible location either outside of a building or structure or inside nearest the point of entrance of the service conductors.
VII. Service Equipment ? Over-current Protection
230.90 Where Required.
(A) Ungrounded Conductor. Such protection shall be provided by an over-current device in series with each ungrounded service conductor that has a rating or setting not higher than the allowable ampacity of the conductor. A set of fuses shall be considered all the fuses required to protect all the ungrounded conductors of a circuit. Single-pole circuit breakers, grouped in accordance with 230.71(B), shall be considered as one protective device.
230.91 Location.
The service over-current device shall be an integral part of the service disconnecting means or shall be located immediately adjacent thereto.
I don't think that it follows the NEC I would contact the state building commission and get a opinion to what it should be. as this does sound like a fire waiting to happen