Question regarding working under a Master License??

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I work for a large multi buidling facility in which a variety of electrical loads are present. Everything ranging from large motors, production equipment, AHU's, satellite equipment, etc.

Have you guys found that a large building is normally expected to have a Master Electrician on staff if you 'in house' electricians are going to be doing work normally carried out by outside contractors?

Is there any sort of legalities requiring companies to do so or is it just neccessary when permits are needed? Maybe it's more a status/prestige thing.

Any insight would be helpful.
In my state, you do not need a license to do electrical work for the building or facilitiy if you are employed by that facility. You only need a license if you are doing work for hire.
Each state may be different
It all depends on what the law is in your state. My state requires an employee who is a master electrician or electrical engineer to be in charge of all the work for the situation you describe.
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