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Senior Member
Glen bunie, md, us
Junior plan reviewer
I have a substation under exclusive control of local POCO and they are building a building inside the substation which houses relay and alarms for electronic monitoring of devices installed in perimeter. The building requires power and light so its fed from 240/120V power.

Is the building under NEC 2017 Article 90.2(B)(5) and NEC 2017 is not covered or NEC 2017 does cover this?
Our inspectors would not be concerned with anything inside the substation footprint
It's covered by whatever jurisdiction grabs it :LOL:, if the state/county decides it'd up to the PoCo, then it is.

Since the wiring inside is not actually transmitting power, it could be argued that it should at least be wired per the NEC, and it's possibly that the PoCo's insurance might specify that (but how would you know?).
It's covered by whatever jurisdiction grabs it :LOL:, if the state/county decides it'd up to the PoCo, then it is.

Since the wiring inside is not actually transmitting power, it could be argued that it should at least be wired per the NEC, and it's possibly that the PoCo's insurance might specify that (but how would you know?).
I have the following letter from POCO. I am still confused if NEC 2017 would cover such building or not:

Did you ask them specifically if the NEC applied?
Most of the utility buildings I am familiar with were built to the current NEC. Any Infrastructure type equipment installed in the base building was done to the POCO requirements.

So receptacles, lighting, and plant distribution equipment was installed to the NEC while the relay racks and interconnecting cables were not.
Did you ask them specifically if the NEC applied?
Most of the utility buildings I am familiar with were built to the current NEC. Any Infrastructure type equipment installed in the base building was done to the POCO requirements.

So receptacles, lighting, and plant distribution equipment was installed to the NEC while the relay racks and interconnecting cables were not.

I did but they didnt respond to that part. The building I have is inside the substation yard. Its actually prefabricated building already made in which they are housing electronic monitoring devices, relays and alarms to control access to the substation gate that has motor and substation itself.

I dont see how the electronic monitoring device that control access to substation is part of NEC 2017 since 90.2(B)(5) says control.

Also how can prefab building lights and receptacle should it not be already built per NEC?

Also now comes the service part to that prefab building but thats confusing service would be used for Both Control security equipment and non control (light receptacles of the prefab building). So then is service covered part of NEC?
So then is service covered part of NEC?
There are two separate questions-
Should things be built to meet or exceed NEC requirements? (I can't think of a reason not to.)

Is the NEC a legally-enforceable code in this situation? Quite possibly it is not. (This is kind of like some government installations- they may require NEC compliance but don't always, and they are usually their own AHJ.)
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