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John Valdes

Senior Member
Retired Electrician
HO installs double lug adapters (approved) to existing meter. Regular meter without load center. HO feeds a dwelling and an unattached garage from each set of lugs. No disconnect for the garage and a lug panel is used in the garage. HO pulls a 3 wire feeder to garage. HO is on 2008 cycle. Inspector approves installation. Am I losing my mind or is it the inspector. Thanks John
Possibly "A".
If the conductors to the garage came directly off the meter without overcurrent and without entering the 1st building, then it is permissible to "extend" the service conductors to a second structure (no equipment ground needed). If the MLO panel in the garage has less than 6 breakers, then it doesn't need a main.
(See Exhibit 230.14 in the 08 Handbook and see 408.36)

It appears you have an inspector that knows the Code.

Note: such an install is not allowed in some areas per POCO rules.
Thanks Augie. So both panels are considered service panels? I would have thought the garage would need an OCPD for the feeder.
If it were a would...although it may be a fine line, and may not be allowed in certain areas, if the only thing outside structure 1 is the meter then in essence you have service conductors attached to but not entering structure 1 on the way to structure 2. At structure 2 all the service rules apply as far as "six disconnect:", grounding, service equipment location, etc.
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