Questions regarding reworking an Electrical Services

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Senior Member
How do you all go about changing an old Service here in the Houston Area. Centerpoint has changed their procedures on removing a lock band just for changing out a main breaker for up to 30 minutes of time Max, an then you will need to call for a temporary disconnect.
How do you all go about changing an old Service here in the Houston Area. Centerpoint has changed their procedures on removing a lock band just for changing out a main breaker for up to 30 minutes of time Max, an then you will need to call for a temporary disconnect.

We can't cut or install tags or lock bands or meters for any reason. We can't even snip and re-connect at the weather head. Anything on the POCOs side if the demarc has to be worked by POCO employees only.

This all came about after a contractor got busted for building houses with some of the loads un-metered, and using modified meters that would only record part of the energy used.

He and his co-horts got minimal fines (they should have been sent to prison) and all the legit electricians now have to suffer for it.
How do you all go about changing an old Service here in the Houston Area. Centerpoint has changed their procedures on removing a lock band just for changing out a main breaker for up to 30 minutes of time Max, an then you will need to call for a temporary disconnect.

I would call your POCO, Centerpoint it is their power that you are working with. Here in Kansas we will schedule POCO disconnect at 8:00 AM. Can have it all done by 2:00 or 2:30 PM. Call for inspection & then POCO reconnect.
Coordination is the key with POCO & inspector. Get all of your ducks in a row & have a Game Plan.
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