QuickLag's brand journey Emil -> Emil-Westinghouse -> Cutler-Hammer -> Eaton


Senior Member
United States
I'm dropping this into the forum for others searching in the future via google or whatever
Eaton Australia says:
The Quicklag range of miniature circuit breakers was originally released in Australia by Email-Westinghouse in 1957 before the company changed its name to Cutler-Hammer and then to Eaton.-
Most of the Quicklag line is no longer available for sale. Eaton Descriptive Bulletin FTC-100M3 describes the Quicklag® Residential series as Type BR. There's no note about equivalence, they just call them Type BR. The dimensions match the modern Type BR to the millimeter.
Current marketing materials for certain lines still use the QuickLag trademark: "Eaton BR thermal magnetic circuit breaker,Quicklag Type BRHX circuit breaker".
This implies that QuickLag legacy lines like QuickLag P and QuickLag PL may have evolved into the Eaton BR.


  • Eaton quicklag-residential-breakers_opt.pdf
    394.7 KB · Views: 2
And why not? As I've said before, BR and others are breaker types, not breaker brands.
Because on old panels the label reads "Westinghouse Quicklag Residential", with no reference to the breaker type BR.
Anyone needing to replace a Email-Westinghouse branded "Quicklag Residential" needs a cross reference, or to hit eBay for a crusty old breaker pulled from some ancient panel.