Quotes in messages

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Senior Member
I like the way some of the posters address others questions or comments by quoting the other person and then answering the quoted material. Then they will continue to do this until all the relevant quotes are addressed. Can someone tell me how to do this. I can't find anything in the FAQ area.
Re: Quotes in messages

Originally posted by mkgrady:
I like the way some of the posters address others questions or comments by quoting the other person and then answering the quoted material. Then they will continue to do this until all the relevant quotes are addressed. Can someone tell me how to do this. I can't find anything in the FAQ area.
First you click this
above the post you want to post.

If that is all you do the entire post will be quoted.

You will also see the UBB code that makes the quotes appear.

The code at the beginning of the quote looks like this

Originally posted by mkgrady:

At the end of the quote

I had to leave out forward slashes in order for you to see it.

You can use cut and paste techniques to remove what you want and break i up into multiple quotes.
Re: Quotes in messages

Now that you know, a request: choose the most relevant of what the other member said, to quote. If you can't single out a sentence or two, or if you have an issue with the post in it entirety, just address your post to that member.
As in,
Bob, I disagree with your entire post. Did you get your license out of a crackerjack box?
Instead of:
Originally posted by iwire:
Originally posted by mkgrady:
I like the way some of the posters address others questions or comments by quoting the other person and then answering the quoted material. Then they will continue to do this until all the relevant quotes are addressed. Can someone tell me how to do this. I can't find anything in the FAQ area.
First you click this above the post you want to post.
If that is all you do the entire post will be quoted.
You will also see the UBB code that makes the quotes appear.
The code at the beginning of the quote looks like this
[QUOTE)Originally posted by mkgrady:
At the end of the quote
[QB)[QUOTE) I had to leave out forward slashes in order for you to see it.
You can use cut and paste techniques to remove what you want and break i up into multiple quotes.
Did you get your license out of a crackerjack box? Quote me on that!
It gets real old seeing someone's entire post quoted. It defeats the purpose, IMO. :)
Re: Quotes in messages

Originally posted by georgestolz:
[QB] Now that you know, a request: choose the most relevant of what the other member said, to quote. If you can't single out a sentence or two, or if you have an issue with the post in it entirety, just address your post to that member.

Thanks George and Bob. Now I'll see if it worked
Re: Quotes in messages

Originally posted by mkgrady:
Thanks George and Bob. Now I'll see if it worked
It looks like you cut off the UBB Code at the end of the post.

Hit the edit button
above your post and add this to the end of what you want to quote.


[ January 28, 2006, 12:47 PM: Message edited by: iwire ]
Re: Quotes in messages

Originally posted by georgestolz:
You forgot the

That tells the website where the end of the quote is. :) [/QB][/QUOTE]

OK, I see that now. So even if I cut out the bottom half of a quote I should leave the [/QB][/QUOTE]in place where I end their quote.
Re: Quotes in messages

You can always click "edit" on any post to see the command codes for any special features. You can't edit other peoples posts, but you can look at how they did what they did.
Re: Quotes in messages

Another strong tool is the "preview post" button next to the "add reply" button under the message screen. On the post above where I "quoted" Bob quoting you, I had to fix it four times before I posted it, because I built it from scratch, copying and pasting, instead of letting the :D
Re: Quotes in messages

Originally posted by georgestolz:
When we lowly members click "edit" on others posts, we're told to buzz off.
That is true on this forum, there are other forums that allow anyone to use the edit button and see the post but you can not submit any changes.

Originally posted by georgestolz:
Quoting does almost the same thing though. :)
Sure does. :cool:
Re: Quotes in messages

Sorry, I didn't know that. I thought this worked like some of the other ones where anyone can view the code.

Re: Quotes in messages

Originally posted by mkgrady: Can someone tell me how to do this. I can't find anything in the FAQ area.
If you look at the home page of the Forum, you will see something like this at the top:
Mike Holt's Code Forum
My Profile | Member Directory loginregister| Search | FAQ's | Forum Home
The FAQs that you can access from that page have to do with membership in, and use of, the Forum. But look in each topic area, and you will find an FAQ item as the top entry in the category. For example, the topic area that this message is posted in is called "Electrical Contracting and Estimating/Management." Look at the FAQ section in this topic area, and you will see (among other things) instructions for using the "Reply with Quotes" feature.
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