R-56 standards for a 911 facility

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It depends on what part of the facility you are talking about.

Consoles and what not are done with #6-stranded.

There is usually a buss bar in the dispatch center that your consoles will be bonded to. This is bonded back into the CEB room with #2 usually, where it interconnects to the rest of the equipment.

But again, it all depends on where you are talking. Don't you have a copy of R56?
R-56 is a Motorola standard for grounding and lightning protection of radio equipment. I have never found it on the web but think it is avaiable from Motorola parts dept.

It's a bit dated (old) but is still in use in the radio industry
R-56 was recently updated to reflect changes in the industry, such as the large-scale deployment of WIFI networks.
Part of R-56 covers dispatch center grounding and bonding,

R-56 is still widely used, by Motorola and their dealers or service centers.
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