R324.6.2 International Fire Setback

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New international fire 'ridge setback' says that you can be 18" to the ridge if the array is less than 33% of the ‘plan view total roof area’.

Just not sure if it means 33% of the roof plane that the array is on, or if it means 33% of the entire house??

Anybody have any clarification on this?

Thanks in advance!


Senior Member
Still does not allow solar panels to be designed to replace the roof... which would be my ideal idea... no more roofing, just assemble solar panels with rubber gaskets between them to create a water proof bond.


Senior Member
Northern California
Solar and Energy Storage Installer
So if that's true then we now can do our solar layouts with 18" to the ridge instead of 3'.

Just hope the AHJ's understand this...

Right. There may be a bunch of conversations in the short term. We're putting a big note about the July 1 supplement on our plans.

Just make sure your plans get approved before you install the system. ;)
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