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mattsilkwood said:
does anyone know why scrap is called rabbit
It's actually a very old lineman's term, shortened from the former "rabbit hunt". The actual product, the "rabbit", is the copper wire. The old linemen would search the weeds under their pole for the scrap pieces of wire (the "rabbit"), sorta like you might when you're rabbit hunting. The old texts relate that the "rabbit" was normally traded for tobacco.
Around here it's called "Mongo".

This year we have a bumper crop of REAL rabbits wish I could get 2.80 a LB for them. Next year there will be rabies outbreak.
brian john said:
This year we have a bumper crop of REAL rabbits wish I could get 2.80 a LB for them. Next year there will be rabies outbreak.

you don't have a big ol cat or a coon hound ?
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