OP, read what Augie wrote. We are speculating because we don't have all of the information. To answer your last question, yes there is a place to go for the answers. Sorry to be snarky, but it is the NEC. We are assuming that the reason you are "correcting" these issues is that you have an inspector and he is requiring something. If that is the case, then it greatly matters, EXACTLY what he is saying is not code compliant and he is responsible to provide the code section or sections that are applicable. Armed with that information you can proceed with figuring out the most cost effective way to address this, or point out to him or the Authority Having Jurisdiction, how you are in fact, complying with the code.
Until that time, everything that I say can be taken with a grain of salt and I think many of the more elevated minds here would tell you the same thing. We can't make unequivocal statements without all of the information.