Raceway containing cold water bonding conductor

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Is a raceway containing a cold water bonding conductor treated the same as a raceway containing a grounding electrode conductor? I.E., is it necessary to bond both ends of the raceway? What if the raceway is broken to bond to building steel; would the open ends be required to be bonded, or just the beginning end and the end @ the cold water pipe. Is a locknut sufficient for bonding the raceway where it originates, or is another means required? We are talking about an emt raceway with a copper conductor.
Re: Raceway containing cold water bonding conductor

Any ground conductor run in a ferrous conduit or raceway should be choked or bonded to the raceway at each end. The reason is that under some circumstances (usually lightning) the conductor in an unbonded steel conduit will exhibit a high impedance compared to it's DC resistance and be useless.

For a cold water ground I normally would use a bonding bushing on the EMT connector in the panel with a bonding conductor to the same point on the neutral/ground bus as the cold water ground. At the water pipe end there are ground clamps that are made for the end of a conduit run and will bond the conductor. Then I have seen guys just use a romex connector...

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