the 2nd to last thing you want to do is residential service at T&M....the last thing you want to do is mark up your material a lot, when doing resi service at T&M...every item you will use in resi service, can be found, and sometimes at a lower price than your cost, at HD or Lowes. You open yourself up to a world of heartache and customers who just never call you back, because you charged then $12 for a circuit breaker that they see in HD of $3.95
when you do budget numbers, and pricing numbers, you need to not only include everything that you are truly paying (insurance, advertising, salary, trucks, etc), but you need to account for future growth...
for are a 1 truck operation, with a 10 yr old van that is paid for, so obviously, you don't need to account for a truck payment in your can offer a lower price, right? wrong. what happens when this truck dies, and you need a new one? where does the money come from?
or you are a 1 truck operation, but are very busy and need to hire someone and get another truck on the road. Did you account for that in your pricing? Are you charging enough to cover the additional costs?
When determining a selling price, and budgeting, you need to be a move ahead of where you are. Do you think that charging $50/hr (because you work out of your kitchen, have a 10 yr old van, no helper, no advertising-let's face it- it doesn't take much word of mouth to keep 1 man busy, etc) is going to allow you to grow your business when you feel the time is right? Just because you can eek by on that money now, will you find good help willing to work for minimum wage? will you be able to find 2 or 3 reliable used vans for $1000 each? will you get enough word of mouth work to keep 3-4 guys busy year round?
these are things you need to determine.
also, don't forget may be covered by your wife, and think you don't need it...but what if your wife loses her job, and you need to pick it up? My company pays $7/hr for every hour of my 40 hr week to cover healthcare for me and my family....That's an extra $1,120/month the company needs to bill out to cover it..granted, there are cheaper health plans, but quite frankly for the amount of work I put in, I deserve a good health care plan...
so, my guess is you are planning your rates based strictly on your current position, not where you want to go...