RCBO Fault

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New User
Anyone have experience in the following:
16a MK RCBO Tripped supplying Garage. 2 Circuits. Radial and Lights (6/16) MCB's
PME supply. Garage supplied in 6mm Twin and Earth with the Earth connected at the Main DB and Connector Blocked in the garage (doing nothing). Earth rod to garage in 6mm Multistrand and connected.
Twin and Earth IR Line/Neu +999, Neu/Earth +999 and Line/Earth 0.01. Removed Earth from main Cu and RCBO stable and live.
Zs 46.6 using just the Earth Rod, connected at the sub board in the garage. RCBO test sequence all clear too. Plugged in Freezer and RCBO tripped. Re-set RCBO and the Freezer is now stable.

2 Questions
Do you connect the CPC on the T/E at the MAIN Db when using RCBO's to supply a garage PME supply?
Any ideas why the freezer tripped the RCBO initially when plugged in for the first time? Leakage currents? RCBO ramp test was 21.0mA

Now I’m retired I have the time to sit back and laugh as the various rules/regulations/laws get more and more complex and at times contradictory.

A few years back I posted a copy of the IEEE’s first issue of the UK’s regulations, all four pages of them.
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