Read Before Posting: Forum Rules / Treatment of New Members

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Treatment of New Members

Treatment of New Members

To all forum members, I am formally requesting that you no longer publicly question new members qualifications for posting here.

Keep in mind that all new member posts have already been approved by a forum moderator before they show up on the forum.

If you feel a new member is over their head please exercise one of two options.

1) Notify one of the Moderators, I suggest you send a PM to one of us with a description of the problem you see with a post. We will gladly discuss it with you.

2) Do nothing, ignore the post and move on.

The reasons for this should be self evident, we are going to chase away new members if they feel they have to justify their qualifications with the entire membership at large.

Not to mention many times it is just plain rude.

2007 Chief Moderator Mike Holt Forum
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Question: shouldn't everyone just hit the
button on the questionable post, as opposed to picking a moderator and PM'ing?
georgestolz said:
Question: shouldn't everyone just hit the
button on the questionable post, as opposed to picking a moderator and PM'ing?

Either way, I check my PMs more often then my emails.
A Friendly Reminder (relocated copy)

A Friendly Reminder (relocated copy)

Members, I don't want to seem like a prude but I think a reminder once in a while is needed.

The person who pays the bills here is a religious man and one that does not appreciate off color language, so please keep that in mind when posting.

No bathroom jokes, no sexist comments, no "WTF"s, no slipping a couple of 'Xs' into a word to 'hide it'.....

'When the Shxx hits the fan'

We all still know what it says, please find a better way to express yourself.

Keep it entirely G rated.

I once asked the members to post here like they would talk to their Mom.....a member quickly pointed out his mother had heard it all...:roll:

So I guess I should ask you to post like your talking to Mike H. directly.

This is not a construction site, lets not act like it is. :)

Thanks, Bob.
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I just received a note from Cadpoint, thought he had a good idea and figured this was probably the best spot to put it.

Helpful tips for new members

  • Be sure to fully fill out your profile (found here) to include your location at the least. It helps other members out when trying to answer a question, if they know what part of the country (or world) you're from.
  • Try to keep signatures short. Long signatures add to the clutter.
  • Please do not post with your CAPS LOCK on, it's seen as shouting. Try to observe other etiquette, outlined here.
  • If you just joined and post a comment, bear in mind a flesh and blood moderator must approve it before you see it to weed out spam.
If anybody has any other quick notes for new people, feel free to PM me with it, and I'll throw it on.

Edit to add attachment, courtesy of 480Sparky. :D
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You Will Never Get A Head On A Pike Here

You Will Never Get A Head On A Pike Here

Several recent threads have been started for no other reason than to make public complaints against one or more forum members. Other comments have been recently posted for no other reason than to publicly insult other members. In some cases, the complaints and insults have been directed to one or more moderators of this forum. This post is intended as an announcement, a reminder, that this type of behavior has never been acceptable, and will not be tolerated. Unprofessional behavior degrades the professional nature of this forum.

If you have a complaint against any member of this forum, wish to dispute a thread closure or post deletion, or wish to take issue with a comment posted by any member, the correct course of action is to contact that member by means of the private messaging system. If you feel that will not do you any good, then you have another course of action: PM any moderator. The chief moderator is infinity, this year.

You can also report a post by clicking the
button at the top right corner of the post. All moderators are emailed when you report a post.

Let us continue to keep this a free exchange of information amongst professionals in the electrical industry.

This is not negotiable or open to discussion, so I am closing this thread.
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Members, a recent event has brought to light a serious issue which anyone could fall victim to, and could happen again. I feel it's necessary to state how the moderators will proceed if you should allow it to happen to you.

The moderators cannot tell who is sitting at your keyboard when a post appears under your name. (The insidious webcam rumor is, for now, just a rumor, we promise. ;) )

Therefore, you should take necessary precautions to ensure that your friends, loved ones, coworkers, people that hate you, or your evil twin who only comes out when you drink, do not abuse your name on the forum. If someone posts something inappropriate using your account, you will be responsible for the consequences.

It would be a good idea to take a second, think about if this applies to you, and act accordingly.

George Stolz
Chief Moderator 2009
Guidelines for posting picture threads.

Guidelines for posting picture threads.

Threads that incorporate a picture of an electrical installation or violation as the main object of the thread should also include a background story as well as the purpose of posting the picture.

Picture threads started with just a picture and no accompanying background story or with no other intent then to belittle an installer or inspector will be removed without notice.

NOTE: The Forum's prohibition against posting copyrighted material applies as well to the posting of photographs taken by others. Do not post photographs without the express permission of, and without giving proper credit to, the copyright holder.

Chris Jensen
Chief Moderator 2010
PLEASE READ: Report Posts

PLEASE READ: Report Posts

Folks, whenever I close a DIY thread I post the following statement:
A reminder to all members, if you see a questionable post, feel free to report it by clicking the
button at the bottom left corner of the post.

Mike Holt's Forum recently broke a new record for number of posts in a thread - but the conclusion of that happy achievement was tainted by the fact that the thread had to be relocated due to the content of some of the posts.

This thread had over 2,500 posts (beating the previous record of 782 handily), and over 48,000 views, and was of such an epic quality and technical nature that it would have stood proudly as an example of what amazing people contribute to this forum.

Due to the overwhelming nature of the thread, it's sheer volume, it really proved to be a nightmare for moderation. The moderators would love to put it back, but trying to comb through a thread of that size to see when someone started a subtle personal attack, and begin weeding out those comments would be a onerous task. The subtle nature of the jabs, concealed in highly technical argument, made the task impossible.

We have lost this thread in part due to people not using the report post function attached to every post. If you feel that someone has attacked you personally, you are not supposed to respond to that attack. Report the post so that the moderators are specifically notified, and so we have a starting point before things get out of hand.

Right now the moderators field comments days, even weeks, after an event along the lines of "Well, he started it." That is not an acceptable defense for a personal attack on your part, and we will direct you to this thread as you lose privileges when you post inflammatory remarks.

Report posts - it makes it easier (and more fair) on everybody.
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This is not a link dump. Do not post a link and not provide something substantial telling us what the link is and why we should be interested in it.

A link in the midst of an ongoing thread that is really really obvious is okay; a link starting a thread better have some decent meat surrounding it.

Hopefully this rendition is a bit easier to abide by, and easier to enforce. Consider the explanation of the link a courtesy for those of us who prefer to have some context before clicking. :)
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