Receptacle above hung ceiling

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Senior Member
New York
From what I remember a while back, receptacles are allowed above a hung ceiling and in particular a receptacle above a hung ceiling is OK for a ceiling mounted projector. I'm reading an article from EC&M about "The best of the worst: 2019's most interesting what's wrong here photos" and one of the slides is on receptacles above hung ceiling.

It says:

"Suspended ceilings can sometimes contain hidden violations such as these power supply cords. The power supply cords are supplying power to a ceiling-mounted projector and its associated equipment, which are located a few ceiling tiles away from these receptacles. Installing receptacles above a suspended ceiling is not prohibited by the NEC. However, leaving power supply cords permanently plugged in and hidden above the suspended ceiling is a violation of Sec. 400.12(5). This rule prohibits flexible cables, flexible cord sets, and power supply cords from being concealed in walls, floors, or ceilings — and also prohibits them from being located above a suspended or dropped ceiling. The exception for Sec. 400.12(5) permits flexible cables and cords to be installed above this suspended ceiling where they are installed in an enclosure specifically designed to be installed in plenum-type suspended ceilings, as permitted by Sec. 300.22(C)(3)."

I tried looking up section 400.12(5) in the 2014 NEC but it looks like it's from the newer 2017 code. But based upon this, anything permanently plugged into a receptacle above a hung ceiling is not allowed??

Has this always been the case or is this requirement new?
The flexible cord is not permitted above the ceiling but the receptacle is. You would probably be limited to plugging in some thing like a power supply without a cord.

Installing receptacles above drop ceilings with removable tiles is a common practice around here. I never had an AHJ have an issue with it. Water heaters, card key readers, projector cords, ect.
​​​How does the NEC define perminently plugged in?
My interpretation is that you can install a receptacle above a dropped ceiling but you can't plug anything into it permanently. How does the NEC define permanently plugged in? Same way you would.:happyyes:

Installing receptacles above drop ceilings with removable tiles is a common practice around here. I never had an AHJ have an issue with it. Water heaters, card key readers, projector cords, ect.
​​​How does the NEC define perminently plugged in?

A cord to a permanently installed appliance. Such as a condensation pump for the HVAC.
A cord to a permanently installed appliance. Such as a condensation pump for the HVAC.

Very common to see those above a hung ceiling. IMO they should be permitted above the ceiling, the pump will fail long before the cord does.
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