receptacles location

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the space occupied by fixed panel in exterior wall when determining the space between recptacles ; will include the non sliding side of a door. Should I start measuring the 6 feet from the side of this non sliding part of the door that is against the wall or from the other side


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: receptacles location

Think of the sliding portion of the door as an opening in the wall and think of the fixed portion of the door as a wall. You would need to have a receptacle not more than 6' from where the sliding and fixed portions meet measuring across the fixed section.


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Re: receptacles location

Yes, your 6' measurement would began at the edge of the fixed panel where it meets the sliding panel.


Senior Member
Re: receptacles location

The fixed panel is treated like any other section of wall space. The sliding door is not wall space.


Senior Member
Re: receptacles location

Last year we did a model that always had double sliders.but this model was in the 15 mile from coast area that changed all that.sliders installed after rough but one is now a fixed panel.Inspector tagged it and wrote add recep to right of sgd snd as a foot note wrote on the tag good luxk :D
gc shows up and wants to know whats up,I showed him the problem and he hsd 2 slternstives
1 - add a floor recep.
2 - move bedroom door back so we can add a receptacle
Well the door arch was changed :D


Senior Member
Re: receptacles location

I have three observations here. #1 is Boris got treated very well which is nice. #2 On my jobs I keep running into situations where even though the plans show a slider going one way, they seem to change the swing without letting me know in advance at rough, so I usually stick an outlet near both sides just in case.(switches are still screwed up occaisonally). I allways ask in advance and still come back and find sometimes reversed doors even though contractors said all was going to be the same as plans. #3 Ever notice how some carpenters seem to fill the available area around the sides of the slider with posts and studs so sticking your box in the area is sometimes really tough?


Senior Member
forest hill, md
Re: receptacles location

Originally posted by macmikeman:
I have three observations here. #1 is Boris got treated very well which is nice. #2 On my jobs I keep running into situations where even though the plans show a slider going one way, they seem to change the swing without letting me know in advance at rough, so I usually stick an outlet near both sides just in case.(switches are still screwed up occaisonally). I allways ask in advance and still come back and find sometimes reversed doors even though contractors said all was going to be the same as plans. #3 Ever notice how some carpenters seem to fill the available area around the sides of the slider with posts and studs so sticking your box in the area is sometimes really tough?
I don't want to comment on #1
#2 I had a job recently where the owner went and checked the doors that were in a different retail space to let me know which way the doors swung, and I roughed in per what he saw, and both doors were the opposite of what he said. He didn't ask me to correct them, actually never said a word about it. They swung away from the switches instead of covering them luckily #3 they teach them that in carpenter apprenticeship.


Senior Member
Re: receptacles location

#3 they teach them that in carpenter apprenticeship

In carpenter apprentice class they teach them to rip out the wires that go to a 4 gang,since it was framed wrong so we can go through a 140 degree attic and find a mangled mess of nm under 30 in of blown in insulation :p
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