recessed can spacing

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Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
I have a 10x10 office and a 30x24 conference room with 10' drywalled ceilings. They want to light it up with these I am assuming 50 to 60 footcandles would do the job. Any ideas on number of fixtures and spacing

I would install 4 cans in the 10x10 office. In the 30 x 24 I believe it would take 20 cans. I would space it the following way. On the 30 foot dimension I would come off the walls 3' on both ends and space 4 cans 6 feet apart.
With the 24 foot dimension I would space them 3' off the walls on the end and then every 6'--

30' ---- wall---3'------6'------6'------6'------3'---wall
24' ---- wall---3'------6'------6'------3'---wall

5 cans in 4 rows= 20 cans

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
I guess if I read the info on the link you provided I probably wouldn't have posted my above post. I just saw the picture and assumed incandescent cans. Obviously my post is inaccurate and if the specs are accurate I would probably reduce the office to 2 cans and the conference room to 10 cans.:smile:


Senior Member
Indianapolis IN
I'm with Dennis on this one. Though I am sceptical of the amount of light spead you will get with these. Have you seen them in a show room? I might go with two in the office but as many as 14 in the larger room.
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