Recovery passw Silent Knight 5808

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Contact SilentKnight Tech support.....They should be able to tell you how to re-set the password...Make sure you have a back-up copy of your data-base just in case...
If you have the SKSS software, you can try to connect to the panel via a laptop. Often times installers will leave the PC connection codes default, but change the "keypad" installer code.

Otherwise, like what was said, contact tech support. Bill Root is the head of the tech support department, and is very helpful.
If I'm not mistaken, can't you just turn the little plastic key in the keypad ? with the key engaged you no longer are prompted for a password. Then if you have SKSS (Software) you should be able to connect to the panel, pull the program from the panel, change PW and download back to panel.
If I'm not mistaken, can't you just turn the little plastic key in the keypad ? with the key engaged you no longer are prompted for a password. Then if you have SKSS (Software) you should be able to connect to the panel, pull the program from the panel, change PW and download back to panel.

That will work for some functions but not all. Programing and walk test, for example, will not work with the key. (default settings anyway) You will still need the PW to access the panel, even through the SKSS software. You probably already have but try some of the default PW's like 1111, 005808, 5808. Other than that I am not sure how to recover a PW. Like it was said before tech support is probably your best bet.
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