Article 430.122 is generally considered to be referring to VFDs because article 430 in general is about motor controls, but it actually says "power conversion equipment". If you want to make an argument to NOT have to follow 430.122 for a general purpose rectifier, you could, because of it saying "as part of an adjustable speed drive", but it might just be easier not to fight it and size the input conductors accordingly. But even this doesn't address the OCPD requirements, just the minimum conductor size. The OCPD requirements are generally handled by the mfr during the listing process. If you are using something that is not listed, you are going to be using the "courtesy" untested SCCR of 5kA anyway, so what breaker or fuse rating in terms of kAIC is going to be somewhat irrelevant now. ANYTHING can handle 5kAIC, the real trouble is using something with that low of a rating, at least in any industrial environment.