Reducing washers?

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Senior Member
Do reducing washers require a bonding bushing with a bonding jumper?

I do not install reducing washers without a bonding bushing,

but seem to remember someone (don't remember who.....could of been those voices again) bringing to my attention that reducing washers are listed for grounding and bonding.

Am I full of it or is there some document/reference to support this.

The evil empire doesn't teach us about the UL While book. For this you must cross over, leave the dark side, and join the fraternity of X441 Jedi.

2007 UL WHITE BOOK said:
Metal reducing washers are considered suitable for grounding for use in circuits over and under 250 V and where installed in accordance with ANSI/NFPA 70, ??National Electrical Code.?? Reducing washers are intended for use with metal enclosures having a minimum thickness of 0.053 in. for non-service conductors only. Reducing washers may be installed in enclosures provided with concentric or eccentric knockouts, only after all of the concentric and eccentric rings have been removed. However, those enclosures containing concentric and eccentric knockouts that have been Listed for bonding purposes may be used with reducing washers without all knockouts being removed.
ramsy said:
The evil empire doesn't teach us about the UL While book. For this you must cross over, leave the dark side, and join the fraternity of X441 Jedi.

Thanks for the reference.....I'll cross over now.

I have a UL White Book but I guess I didn't look hard enough.... I was starring at the cover for a long time but nothing happened.
ibew441dc said:
I was starring at the cover for a long time but nothing happened.

Once you become a Jedi the books open themselves, to the proper page. With the search feature on PDF versions.
UL also has a webpage where you can put in the code and section and find the White Book entries that apply to that code section.
I use the online version starting with this search page. Note if you just want the White book info, check the box that says "display guide information only". If you don't you will get a list of every company that has a listing under that guide category. This page is useful when you want to check if a product is listed.
I am not sure where you download the pdf white book, but I know you can do that. I just use the on line one as that is always up to date.
Sorry folks, can't find where that PDF came from.
Tried to upload it on me free hosting service, but 15MB is too big.
If the force wasn't still with me, dial-up wouldn't work at all.
ibew441dc said:
Do reducing washers require a bonding bushing with a bonding jumper?

I do not install reducing washers without a bonding bushing,

but seem to remember someone (don't remember who.....could of been those voices again) bringing to my attention that reducing washers are listed for grounding and bonding.

Am I full of it or is there some document/reference to support this.

View attachment 2075 Here ya go.
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