Refeeding existing Switchboard

This is what's going on and would like another Contractors view.

Existing Utility Transformer (13,800 to 480 volts) feeds existing Switchboard in building.

This Contractor has a job to relocated this existing Transformer, run a new Primary from same pole, and also install the Secondary feeding a new Switchboard in another part of the building. The Contractor wants to come out of the new Switchboard and Re-feed the original Switchboard with a 1600 amp breaker. Th Contractor wants to use the existing Transformer pad as a junction box to re-feed the existing Switchboard by tapping into the existing Secondary wires. So the 5 conduits feeding the original Switchboard does not have a ground because it came from the Utility Transformer and the Grounding was at the original Switchboard first point of entrance.
The Contractor says he will separate the existing Bonding jumper to Neutral at original Switchboard and install a separate Ground bar in its place.

In my opinion this does not meet Code because now the First Point of Entrance is at the new location. Doing what he wants to do is making a second Ground path. Re-feeding the original Switchboard from this new Switchboard, in my opinion means the Ground needs to come from this new Switchboard.

I see why the Contractor wants to do this (to save money) but I do not think it meets Code.

Any suggestions.

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I agree, the grounding needs to come from the new switchboard.
He would need to add an EGC to the existing run (unless the original had a SSBJ)