Relocating service during renovation and addition

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Senior Member
Alexandria, VA
Business owner Electrical contractor
I have a project where the side of the house with the electrical service will be extended with a new two story addition. I will need to relocate the service to the new addition and add a service disconnect so that I can install a feeder to the panel in the basement.

During construction I understand that I can install a pole in the yard and relocate the meter. However, how can I feed the panel in the basement from the temporary pole?
I would check with the power company before moving the meter.

I would likely set up a temporary service somewhere far enough away from the home to be out of the way and run SER over to the house from it.
I have had the builders work around the meter (overhead or underground) until they got the walls up where the service would go. I make sure they side and paint just that area and then move the meter.
Is the house going to be occupied during construction- in other words does power have to be supplied as normal while construction is going on? If not, just cut power to the house, transfer the drop to a temporary service pole. Then let them run extension cords like it was a new structure until the new service is complete.

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