Relocating service with existing POCO Xfmr

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Senior Member
Minneapolis, MN
Electrical Contractor - 2023 NEC
Hello all, I need some advise on a job I looked at and will be bidding. The bulk of my experience is residiential and light commercial remodeling. I haven't done a lot with new or moving commercial services.

Here's what I have: this building has three 150A 3ph 120/208v services with three separate meters mounted on interior walls in what used to be three separate units. The building is being bought and turned into one space. They are planning on demoing out the entire inside of the building and reorganizing the interior walls, so the three services need to go away. They are all fed from the transformer in the picture under the building in 2-1/2" PVC.

What I need to do is mount a 400A CT on the outside of the building to the left of the transformer with MCB panels on the other side of the wall. My question is can I surface mount pipe on the exterior from the CT to the side of the POCO xfmr? I've never seen it done like this, and I've never seen the insides of one of these larger transformers so I don't know if there's room on the sides for me to come in. Xcel Energy is the POCO.

My other option is to cut the asphalt outside where the three 2-1/2" pipes enter the building and intercept them. I could turn them up into the CT at that point, but I'd have to pay someone to cut and patch the asphalt.

Any insight, experience or thoughts in this area would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!


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A good question for your local POCO. Locally our POCOs would want you to enter their pad from
the opening in the transformer pad. You would need to intercept the existing or add you new conduit.
A good question for your local POCO. Locally our POCOs would want you to enter their pad from
the opening in the transformer pad. You would need to intercept the existing or add you new conduit.

Thats kind of what I thought the answer might be. I'd still be curious to see if anyone ever entered one through the side though...
Every time I've messed with a utility owned transformer, we've had to come through the existing vault or install a new vault (meeting PoCo specs).

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I agree with Augie and p-can. POCO would be the first stop to see what they would require/allow. I've done several jobs where we have had to re-route or intercept underground conduit. They aren't hard just can be labor intensive sometimes. Just dig your trenches at standard angles, wide enough for wiggle room, long enough for lift and tip (unless they'll let you use repair couplings) and bell holes big enough to work in.
Yup, the more I research, the more it's lining up with what you guys are saying. I'll call Xcel in the AM to be sure.

I better start looking into ground thaw unit rental...
Yup, POCO said only through the pad. Shucks. :(

Guess I'm cutting and digging frozen asphalt and dirt... Yipee.
It's not so bad. Also, make sure your bid allows for all the time you'll spend dealing with the POCO. Up until now doing services for me was as simple as calling for a utility authorization number, installing the service, calling for the inspection. Like you, I mostly do residential and light commercial.

The one I'm doing now was removing a 480V 3ph 2000A service with one meter and installing a 208/120 3ph service with seven meters. I put my original work orders in back in July. Engineering just approved the plans for the new service last month.
It's not so bad. Also, make sure your bid allows for all the time you'll spend dealing with the POCO. Up until now doing services for me was as simple as calling for a utility authorization number, installing the service, calling for the inspection. Like you, I mostly do residential and light commercial.

The one I'm doing now was removing a 480V 3ph 2000A service with one meter and installing a 208/120 3ph service with seven meters. I put my original work orders in back in July. Engineering just approved the plans for the new service last month.

Yup, that sounds like the POCO I know. Still waiting for them to set the transformer for a new restaurant we are wiring so we can get power. It was "scheduled" to be done the week of Dec. 19. Starting to think we'll have the place done by the time we get power, all work completed on generators. I've resorted to being the squeaky wheel, I call the designer every-other day now. He says we'll get it next week. I'm not going to hold my breath. :happysad:
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