Relocating to Minnesota

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mark henderson

Senior Member
Leander Texas
I am looking into relocating to Minnesota. Possible real quick. I hope some of y'all up there could help me out here with some input. How is the electrical market for a very well experienced residential electrician? How is the license process? What types of Journey men license do they have. What are the better company's to work for? Any input would be greatly appreciated.
I am not 100% certain of the move yet but it might be come necessary due to some health issues of my in laws.
I have checked with a Moderator before posting this to make sure it was not out of line.
If y'all have any input or need to know more about my self send me a PM.

Thank you,
mark henderson said:
I am looking into relocating to Minnesota. Possible real quick.
What.... people in Minnesota don't have TV?

Sorry couldn't resist :D
Hi Mark. I think the market up here is up and down depending on what area your looking at. I'm in northern MN and there's quite a bit of building going on. I can't say for sure what the metro is like but I've heard it's slow. Either way I'm sure you'd like it. It's a beautiful state to live in. BTW, my boss is from TX.
al hildenbrand said:

What's that?

Is that the secret "handshake"?

:grin: :grin: :grin:
Another word for kerojet, stink machine, headache maker, or what I like to call, the big defrost.
Might want to see how many electricians are on the bench

Might want to see how many electricians are on the bench

Housing market has slowed way down. They built to many and gave them to anyone who was breathing. Might be able to work in all the strip malls going in every mile in the Twin Cities.

Taxes are high. Fourth overall in the nation. But got to love the lakes and the outdoors.

Price you pay. Global warming is making our winters warmer HA!
blue spark said:
Hey, where in the H E double hockeysticks did that term come from? Salamander???:-? :-?
Salamander. Noun. A mythical being, esp. a lizard or other reptile, thought to be able to live in fire.

Random House College Dictionary.
Why thank you all from the land up north for all the info. Those links were very helpful. I did read in one that if the license requirements were comparable with Minnesota's they will grant you one of equal type?

Anyway we are still trying to figure out if we will need to relocate. Just wanted to know what all I need to do before hand. I do not like to relocate with out knowing how to get licensed or having a job:D .


When I moved to Minnesota back in the late '70s, I applied, listing work experience in Nebraska and listing the master and journeyman license I held there.

Back then, there was no reciprocity with Nebraska.

As I recall, I had to submit forms to my previous employers that they would fill out and notarize, attesting to my accumulated hours and type of work.

I don't see any form like that at the Electrical Licensing site, when I looked just now.

If it looks like you're going to move, may I suggest that you call or email ahead to the Electrical Licensing Department and verify what kind of hoops they want you to jump through. I'd think it'll be simpler to pass the forms to the prior employers if one does it in person (assuming they're local to you).

The hard part is getting the permission to take the test. Everything after that just falls into place.
I defiantly will research it 100% if it becomes a definite thing. Not all my previous employers are in Texas But I do have letters from them from when I moved to Texas. Hopefully they will accept those letters cause I had a heck of time getting all those together when I was transfered from Arizona to Texas. Some of my previous employers are in California others are out there somewhere in never never land. LOL

Thanks for the follow up, Tom.

I eventually remembered the term, too.

I kinda like Charlie B's inference from the definition he uncovered.

I'm fortunate, working in a large metropolitan area, that, in 27 years, I've only had to endure one or two, and that was a long time ago.
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