Remember my Rant about Southwire?

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A while back, I had an issue with Southwire posting on their site How to to DIYers.
I know some here didn't care, some here thought it was fine and some here did not like the fact that Southwire posted for DIYers.

I sent and email to Southwire and had email discussions from them.
Here is the last email they sent me.

I'm not sure if I shared with you the fact that we have removed the DIY section on our website. Thank you for your feedback on this matter.
I appreciate your support of Southwire in the Northeast. Please let us know if we can ever be of assistance.
Winn Wise
Sr. Vice President, Construction
Southwire Company"

It would be a nice thought to think that maybe I had a little to do with this.
What do you think changed ? DIY will always find plenty of help in books and big orange stores. Keep in mind that many here are DIY on many trades on the own houses. I personally do all of my own work from AC to roofing. Help is all over the net.
Kinda bring to mind the chicken hawk dragging Foghorn off at the end of the cartoon. :D

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