Remember those who gave it all

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M. D.

Senior Member
Freedom is not free ,.. When you drive by a cemetery today just look at the number of flags... I know they all did not die in service ,.. but they all served... Just take a moment to wonder at their sacrifice ...

Thank you!

2007 Dean C. Broome, MD JD.

Here?s to those who paid the price
And stood atop the wall,
Who didn?t call it sacrifice,
But duty to a call.

Beyond our power to add, detract,
Or honor with parade,
Or praise with words all copper-plaqued,
In public squares displayed,

They held the line, they took the brunt
Directed at our flank.
From general to lowly grunt
Now ?hero? is their rank.

For some ? unknown ? the laurel wreaths
Must rest on unnamed graves.
For others still, their God bequeaths
No slabs or architraves.

For other heroes, living hearts
Still speak aloud their name.
Their daughters, sons, and better-parts ?
To memories lay claim.

Some met the foe with angry eye;
Some trembled at the fray;
Some grieved for wife and family;
Some paused to kneel and pray.

Yet, as their hour approached its mark
And minutes became rare,
All gazed into the dreaded dark,
And stood ? where we weren?t ? there.

We praise with words their bravery,
Their steadfast soldiers? hands,
That shielded us from slavery
And wrack from foreign lands.

Now pause awhile, and think on them.
Let recollection stir
To memory, through this artless hymn,
Of those and who they were.


Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician
Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day Weekend

Yes, and in between the burgers and beer, take a moment to remember those who gave their lives for the freedom of the world, especially during the greatest war in the history of this earth, WWII.



Senior Member
I've always liked this one too

I've always liked this one too

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.


Senior Member
I remember standing at attention during taps many a night - some of those nights in other countries, and thinking to myself that every single person in our country should be required to serve - and yes, stand at attention during taps every night.... If you are outdoors at sunset on any military base - it is mandatory, and not at convenience. Even if driving - all cars stop.

The fact that we need to remind ourselves that Memorial Day, and Veterans Day are more than just another long week-end says volumes... Especially since it is observed at the convenience of a long week-end. And synonymous with 50% off.....

I know we're not country reserved to force its citizenry to do much - except pay taxes... But maybe there should be a day when every able body should be on parade, and all the Vets get to watch. :rolleyes:
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