Remembering 9-11-01

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Staff member
New Jersey
Journeyman Electrician

Being from the NYC area, having seen the devastation first hand and knowing people who died that day I wanted to remind us all to never forget those innocent people who paid with their lives for living in this the Greatest Country on Earth.....


Re: Remembering 9-11-01

My son just got deployed to Kuwait on Thur 9/8/05 All of you Veterans out there Thank You, and I know how worried your parents were!!! :(
Please pray for all of our soldiers ;)

inspector 102

Senior Member
Northern Indiana
Re: Remembering 9-11-01

As the assistant fire chief for our local fire department, I spent 5 hours with a crew collecting money for hurricane relief at an intersection in our community. Over $13,000 was raised throughout the county by five departments. On Monday, a local nursing home sent food trays to our fire station as appreciation for what we do each day and in remeberance of 9/11. It brings me great pride and appreciation of this community, much like so many other communities around the nation when I see the support poured out to those in need by people who could probably use some help themselves. We are still one nation under God, in good times and bad.
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