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Senior Member
I find resedential pretty boring if it's new construction. Is it possible to do just remodel and troubleshooting calls, and make a living?
Re: Remodel/Troubleshooting?

some do better than others. price per outlet triple plus plus over new.

if you get a rep as good, solve problems rather than create mess behind you, good living, more thinking than cranking it out.

down side is liability transfer for other problems. Insurance co.s will just ask if you were the electrical contractor, not what you did that caused the fire a year later. They will try to nail you without regard to any definite evidence. This is generally not a problem with new construction.

existing construction can be problematic on all levels.

good luck.

Re: Remodel/Troubleshooting?

Originally posted by midget:
I find resedential pretty boring if it's new construction. Is it possible to do just remodel and troubleshooting calls, and make a living?
Jeez, killer, the new contruction isn't bad for some hands on! Give it a couple of months! You're burned out and haven't done it yet? :)

That usually takes at least a year or two! :)
Re: Remodel/Troubleshooting?

I did it for like 2 months straight. :D I mean...I couldn't do new construction day in and day out...I don't see much of a chalenge. :p

[ December 16, 2004, 06:55 PM: Message edited by: midget ]
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