Remote Operator

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Senior Member
ridgewood, n.j.
I have a question concerning ds 206 breakers that are labeled hrc 4 . At this time we use a chicken switch to operate the breakers by opening the front door on the gear to expose the front of the cb only where the trip button, close button and the charge handle are and we attach the chicken switch to do its work. Now that there is a label with the level of hazard. I don't think we can do this anymore since we are only able to work at a level 2 and they are a level 4 and above.

Since operating these cb would be energized work is there a remote operator that can open and close the cb's without opening the front door ? These cb's have two means of opening and closing . Also the breakers have a charge handle that is needed from time to time to close the breaker . Would using this handle be considered energized work ?

Thanks for any help you can lend.
Just opening the door, which exposes no live parts and operates nothing is not somehting that is "likely to cause an arc flash hazard" so you should be good there. Charging is a different story, breakers can close right after being charged if they are not properly maintained, if that is something that could pose a hazard is debatable and up to your company to decide. There are remote operators that can charge, close, and trip DS breakers and do it all wirelessly from 150ft away.
Just opening the door, which exposes no live parts and operates nothing is not somehting that is "likely to cause an arc flash hazard" so you should be good there. Charging is a different story, breakers can close right after being charged if they are not properly maintained, if that is something that could pose a hazard is debatable and up to your company to decide. There are remote operators that can charge, close, and trip DS breakers and do it all wirelessly from 150ft away.

Too funny, just as I read OP, I thought of you and then you replied.:)
Too funny, just as I read OP, I thought of you and then you replied.:)

You don't know how many time Zog comes to mind at work as I know he also has done work at the mill I work at, we have hundreds of breakers and safety switchs some are very old and some are of poor design ( like pringles used on our 250 volt DC for the transfer cars) but we have a very regorous safety program we are required to follow and over the years of working at many industral plants that didn't have very good safety programs (some with nothing at all) it is great to know some of the people who help bring these safty issues to light and design the programs that meets or exceeds the requirments of OSHA.
Yeah, that is some place alright, most steel mills are. I remember walking into Rouge steel in Detroit for the first time (Makes your look like a data center), talk about shock and awe.
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