Remote Pump Feeder buried depth??

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I have a remote pump on a pond that is 480V fed from a power pole and to a disconnect. This is on private property that is labeled no trespassing.

My question is am I required to bury the feeder to the pump? If I am not required but still wish to bury (theft) then do I still have to abide by Table 300.5? The cable is rated for direct bury. I see in Table 300.5 that all locaitons not specified require 24" but also see "....where trespassing prohibited" only requires 18".

Experts Please Advise!!!
I may have been misreading for years. Where is the wording concerning 'trespassing" ?
It is at the very bottom of the table, "In or under airport runways, inclduing adjacent areas where trespassing prohibitied". It may just apply to runways specifically but the code is open to interpertation which sometimes makes it difficult.
I know that I can legally run the cable on the surface if desired but really need to know that if I decide to bury it then is it required that I meet the requirment of Table 300.5? Or since it is not required to be buried and is on private property with no tresspassing signs can I get away with just opening up the ground and pushing some dirt over it?
I know that I can legally run the cable on the surface if desired but really need to know that if I decide to bury it then is it required that I meet the requirment of Table 300.5? Or since it is not required to be buried and is on private property with no tresspassing signs can I get away with just opening up the ground and pushing some dirt over it?
IMO, as soon as you start to bury it it needs to be full depth.
The way I read the exception it applies to airports, however if it were me I would not loose too much sleep if the trench was at least 18" deep.
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